Mohamed Negm Aldin, M. (2021). RE-VISUALIZATION OF THE LIBERATION WAR BY (KING AHMOSE I) [Through the autobiography of the crew- commander Ahmose, son of Abana]. Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, 6(3), 47-66. doi: 10.21608/jguaa2.2021.98475.1079
Mohsen Mohamed Negm Aldin. "RE-VISUALIZATION OF THE LIBERATION WAR BY (KING AHMOSE I) [Through the autobiography of the crew- commander Ahmose, son of Abana]". Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, 6, 3, 2021, 47-66. doi: 10.21608/jguaa2.2021.98475.1079
Mohamed Negm Aldin, M. (2021). 'RE-VISUALIZATION OF THE LIBERATION WAR BY (KING AHMOSE I) [Through the autobiography of the crew- commander Ahmose, son of Abana]', Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, 6(3), pp. 47-66. doi: 10.21608/jguaa2.2021.98475.1079
Mohamed Negm Aldin, M. RE-VISUALIZATION OF THE LIBERATION WAR BY (KING AHMOSE I) [Through the autobiography of the crew- commander Ahmose, son of Abana]. Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, 2021; 6(3): 47-66. doi: 10.21608/jguaa2.2021.98475.1079
RE-VISUALIZATION OF THE LIBERATION WAR BY (KING AHMOSE I) [Through the autobiography of the crew- commander Ahmose, son of Abana]
Professor at department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University, Egypt
(AR) اعادة تصور لحرب التحرير التي قام بها الملك (أحمس الأول), من خلال السيرة الذاتية لقائد البحرية (أحمس ابن ابانا) أعتبر المصري القديم حادثة غزو الهكسوس للبلاد كارثة كبرى قد حلت بالبلاد , وذلك كون المصري القديم لم يصادف مثل هذا العدوان من قبل , والذي بسببه اصبحت جميع خيرات البلاد في قبضة الأجانب المحتلين.ونظرا لطبيعة شخصية المصري القديم , فقد أبى على نفسه معايشة ومهادنة هذا الاحتلال , فقام بأولى محاولات التخلص من نير احتلال الهكسوس منذ حدوثه , وبدأت تصاعدية , حيث بلغت ذروتها ابان ملوك التحرير (سقنن رع – كامس – أحمس).وبالرغم من الجهود العسكرية الكبيرة التي قام بها كل من (سقنن رع) , وابنه الملك (كامس) , لاتمام عملية اجلاء الهكسوس من البلاد , الا أن كليهما لم يفلحا في بلوغ تلك الغايه , ليتركا الدور للملك (أحمس) لينول هذا الشرف العظيم.وبالرغم من كون العمليات العسكرية التي قام بها (أحمس) والتي نتج عنها تمكنه من طرد الهكسوس من البلاد, ملحمة عسكرية عظيمه , الا أننا نفتقد للوثائق الملكية المدونة المكتملة التي تسجل أحداث تلك المعارك , لتكوين فكرة كاملة وواضحة عن كيفية انجاز هذا الحدث الجلل.فما كان من الباحث الا أن يجد ضالتهفي وثيقة غير ملكيه عاصرت تلك الأحداث ,ألا وهي السيرة الذاتية للقائد البحرية للقائد (أحمس بن ابانا) المسجلة على جدران مقبرته الصخرية بمنطقة الكاب. [En] The Hyksos invasion, which happened in the Nile valley during the late 13th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, was considered a major blow to the country. However, the ancient Egyptians did not allow and accept this brutal occupation for a long time. This operation took a gradual upward curve until they achieved and culminated the salvation from the invaders through the hard-military efforts initiated by the liberation kings (Seqenenre, Kamose, and Ahmose I). Ancient Egyptian history had many archaeological sources that depicted the stages of struggle and liberation wars against Hyksos, especially during the reign of king Seqenenre and his son Kamose. Although the operation of Hyksos expels was always attributed to king Ahmose, who had completed the tale of the liberation war, we have not discovered (till now) any official sources documenting his reign containing the sequence of his liberation and struggle wars against Hyksos in detail. It seems that the ancient Egyptian civilization did not allow us to disappoint that we can accurately trace the liberation war of king Ahmose indirectly through analyzing the autobiography of the crew commander Ahmose, son of Abana, inscribed on the walls of his local tomb in El-Kab (north Edfu). The crew commander Ahmose son of Abana documented the liberation war through only his own role that he was not considered or appointed as one of the official scribes who were positioned to document the war diaries. He mentioned his role in the battle, and we rebuilt a scenario of the battle in the absence of the main royal sources.
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The Struggle Between the Egyptians and The Asiatics (Hyksos) before King Ahmose I
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