Double-Blind Peer Review JGUAA2 pays great attention to the role of peer reviewing. Reviewers evaluate the article for originality, methodology, bibliography; both print and digital, language and the extent to which subjects of the paper are harmonic with one another and results. 1- After receiving an electronic version of the research sent to two peer-reviewers specialized in the research's topic, at least one must be from outside the Journal’s committee (Faculty, Editorial board, and advisory board). 2- The Author receives the modifications of the reviewers: Elements of Evaluation, the paper, and the attached report (if applicable). 3- The paper will be published if it is accepted by the reviewers, and the letter of acceptance is sent to the authors. 4- In case of refusing the research, it will be sent to a third peer reviewer. His or her opinion will finally confirm if the research is acceptable for publication or not, provided that the process of academic reviewing is to be a binary anonymous one, without the author’s name upon submitting the article for reviewing. 5- In case of required corrections requested from the peer-reviewer, the research is sent to the author to do all modifications. Then, it will be sent back to the peer reviewer and editors, to ensure that all corrections have been made. 6-If the reviewers replied by refusing, the paper will be rejected without a refund of the reviewing fees. 7- Then the journal's editors shall revise, prepare and edit the research following the standard criteria. SUBMISSION 1- The Author submits his research article through our journal’s online submission system. First, he will need to register for an account to do this, from this link: https:// 2- After registration, the author will come back to the website and log in with his or her username and password to continue the submission process: https://jguaa2. 3- JOURNAL EDITOR CHECK: If the paper fits with the aims and scope of the journal, according to the journal editor's opinion, it will enter it into a rigorous, double-blind peer-review process. DECISION Once the reviewers (from two to three reviewers) have reviewed the manuscript, they will make one of the following recommendations: 1- Accept • Minor revisions • Major revisions • or Reject. The final decision will be decided by the Editorial Committee. 2- Reviewer feedback on the paper will be provided to the corresponding author. REVISIONS The author will receive an email from the editor containing the final decision. If the author is asked to make revisions, he has two weeks to resubmit for minor revisions, and three weeks resubmit for major revisions. Once he has resubmitted his paper, it will be reassigned to the same reviewers to check whether their comments have been addressed. If sufficient improvements have been made, the paper will be accepted. If not, he may be asked to perform multiple revisions or have his paper rejected. |